If you are looking for a new roof & Leak Repairs in Huntington NY 11743, then we are your premier company! We have the years of experience so you can rest easy knowing that the job will be done correctly the first time and on time.
- Inside – if you notice wet spots, ruined paint, beams of light, stains and streaks. These are some of the indications that you may need a new roof.
- Age – Depending on the type of roof that you have will determine how long it will last. For example, if you have typical asphalt shingle roof that will last about 20 to 25 years. If your roof is approaching this age or older than 25 years, then it is time for a new roof.
- Granules – if you notice that your roof is missing a ton of granules then your roof may be at the end of its life.
- Houseplants – if you see that your roof has houseplants then it is a sign of a huge issue. Moss, mold and fungi will indicate that there could be trapped moisture. This can ruin a roof. If you wait to long to have this issue fixed you will need a new roof and could need more work done to your home.
While these are just a few examples of when you will need a new roof, if you do see any of these signs we suggest having an expert roofing company such as ourselves to come out and take a look.
Call our roof install contractors in new roof & Leak Repairs in Huntington NY 11743 for a free estimate today at 631 772 6363
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